Spanish Courses |
Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world, with over 450 million users from over 21 countries. Most English speakers find Spanish an easy language to learn; words are written as they are pronounced and grammatically, there are less irregularities than other romance languages. Learning Spanish will open you up to a whole new world of music, food, movies, dance and culture!
Upcoming Courses 2025
Schedule: 10
Lessons per term. Each lesson 1.5 hrs
Resource Fee:$80
Registration: $10
· Pay for Two Terms and Get 10% Off Tuition Fees $600 -> $540
Private Lessons
Private lessons with a qualified native speaker can be arranged anytime. Please follow the link for more details.
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Study and learn a language at a leading language school Waikato Institute of
Education in Hamilton, New Zealand. |